Why is it that I can't get around to starting this until nearly midnight? You think you fall asleep READING it... sheesh... ;)
I do have some cool stuff coming down the pike. I have to run it through the channels first, but stay tuned within the next couple of days for something really cool :) Have I piqued your interest enough yet? Good! Now, stay awake!
First, I'd like to give a shout out to
Destination Wake Forest for drumming up interest in what we've got going on here. Thanks so much for the
Now to the geeky stuff:
I got to see the camera that we're going to be using on the
robotic head.
It's simple, but it works :) Something I learned about the robo head that I thought was interesting... Stay with me, I don't know how much I can simplify :)
Basically (I know, ha ha), there's
fiber running from the control room to the robo head for the HD camera signal. However, the signal from the camera actually comes out
BNC Connector) and plugs straight into the
head. Then, the signal is converted into light and transmitted through the
optical slip rings and actually exits the head as fiber! I figured there would be some elaborate external "box" we'd have to mount on the side of the camera for conversion - NO! The head actually converts it for us :) Streamlining the process is good!
A part of this whole process is the camera control station. This is where the color/iris (brightness), etc. for all of the cameras can be set remotely.
The large monitor (which is identical to those on the monitor wall - 46"er!) is a source monitor driven by the
multiviewer. The smaller monitor just below and to the left is the "match monitor" (to make sure all the cameras look the same).
Notice the four identical RCPs (remote control panels): those are for our four main "manned" cameras.
The medium-sized RCP is for an additional camera that we can use for our show or that we can convert for
ENG work. If the opportunity presents itself, I will try to go into more detail on all the cameras other than the robo :)
Okay... for those who are still awake... or have unexploded brains...
We have our main monitors on the wall that will show the video sources through the
multiviewer. It looks good to see the big guys on the wall :)
It's not quite finished yet, but it's certainly closer! WOOO!
Someone also asked me why I'm putting these crazy watermarks on all my pictures. I noticed early on that my photos were showing up in places that I didn't put them... and no one knew where they came from... So, I know they're annoying, but I am doing this so that I can still get credit for staying awake writing all this stuff down :) It's inevitable that these pictures will be re-circulated elsewhere... All I ask is that you give the blog credit. The address is
http://canesvision-hd.blogspot.com/. You could also promo the Twitter address
Now that the mean stuff is out of the way, and because I got so many good comments about the Canes picture, I wanted to make sure I spread the love to the NC State crowd!

Special framing just for you! Includes the '74 and '83 Banners :)
I can almost hear a distant "WOLF"... "PACK"...