Sunday, June 7, 2009

And then there was HD

Saturday brought the installation of the main HD boards.  The crew got to work early, but I did not...  When I dropped by around 11am, the main frame for the video boards was completed and the lower sections of the boards were staged around the frame and ready for assembly.  

Main boards and frame

The frame for the lower boards sits on the ground for now, awaiting installation of the main boards.  The 4 main boards are approximately 16' wide by 9' tall, and were each shipped in 4 pieces.  Each piece was half the width of the main board, and the lower sections were about 6' tall, while the upper sections were about 3'.  As you can see in the next couple of pictures, the upper section was attached to the lower section, then that half of the board was bolted to the frame.  the process was repeated for the other half to complete one side of the 4-sided main display structure.

Wider view of the whole structure.  In the foreground is the lower left panel of each side of the main display.

The upper right section of a main display is being moved into place.
As with the other boards, the front panels are removed to bolt the panels together and to make power and signal connections.

The south-facing main display is complete and attached to the main frame.  You can get some perspective of the size relative to the person standing by the forklift to the left of the board.



  1. Man, that first pic looks awesome, with the light shining through, etc. Can't wait to see the finished product.

  2. Do you think you will be able to catch some images or video of when they test it?

  3. I'm not sure we can find anyone with a camera....


    It'll still be a few days; the computers that drive it are still in the hallway and there are some other issues that have to be resolved (such as pulling cable to the boards, etc.) that have to happen... It really could be another three weeks or longer before we actually fire it up! Keep hoping for a speedy install!
